You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘grilling’ tag.

• Just saw the new lobster sandwich at the Panera near my office in Jersey. 17 bucks! WSJ has the scoop.

• The blog’s been slow since we’ve been grillin’ more often. My new favorite cookbook.

• And we’re psyched to visit Paris next month. Got a couple strong recos to visit Berthillon. Can you decipher their specialty?

No reviews from the weekend. I had so much work to do this week that I didn’t want to even leave the house this weekend – opted for hot dogs over the firepit and ribeyes, asparagus and fennel on the grill.

I spent every night, after my day job, making about a million editorial revisions to a cookbook i’m laying out for Chronicle Books. It’s the first book i’ve done and the process is way different from what i’m used to. Lots of waiting punctuated by flurries of activity. Thankfully, i think the hardest part is over. Can’t wait for hit to hit the shelves in the fall–the photography is beautiful and i’m really pleased with the design. I’ll provide more detail and links once the book is publicly announced.

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